Crazy bets on 2025 - 12 personal hedge funds predict the year
2025 predictions and recap of 2024 predictions
it is becoming a tradition. Last year, I brought together 12 well-known people to predict the future … and collectively bet on it. Each person made a prediction and gave the odds that prediction would happen … and then everyone around the table bet very valuable BitAurenCoins on the outcome.
each person had to both bet on a direction of the outcome and size the bet to make maximum profit. so each person ran a mini hedge fund betting on the future.
and we did it again for 2025! (scroll down for the predictions)
2024 prediction market results: we are not very good
of the twelve 2024 predictions made, 4 turned out to be true, 6 turned out to be false, and 2 did not have enough data to call.
while all the participants remain anonymous, I will out myself. I was the WORST performer in the 2024 predictions. I came in last place — 12 out of 12. my annualized return to my LPs was a meager -53.37%. I got only 2 bets correct. pretty terrible.
(in my defense, I also entered into the 2024 Prediction Game run by Protege CEO Bobby Samuels and came in 8th out of 296 total players — not too shabby!)
the best performer was a well-known Ambassador to the US — he had a 66.91% return. the second best was a senior partner at a global consulting firm — she had 59.73%. third best was a well-known economist — coming in at 48.23%. my wife, Hallie, came in fourth place with a 28.86% return (so at least one Hoffman made money!!).
collectively, the twelve of us returned just 3.13% -- which is worse than treasuries but probably better than what a group of blind monkeys would do (just barely).
I am determined to reclaim my self-worth and at least have a positive return for 2025!
Onward to the 2025 predictions
Below is each prediction and the % confidence … along with the average bet (negative means the group generally disagreed — the more negative, the more disagreement).
Foreign policy (3 of them about Iran):
regime change in Iran (no IRGC in charge) (40% confidence with average bet: -2.92): made by MD at global PE firm
Israel initiates sustained bombing (more than one consecutive day) of Iran nuclear facility (80% confidence with average bet: +6.92): made by well-known tech founder
Azerbaijan will occupy some Iranian territory on Dec 31 2025 (20% confidence with average bet: -1.17): made by religious leader
Saudi recognizes Israel AND Houthis no longer controlling Sanaa (60% confidence with Average bet: -11.33): made by former Editor-in-Chief of well-known news organization. almost every participant bet against this one as both predictions have to happen for the bet to pay off.
a "real" company (somewhere in the world) will have an AI CEO (and management team) running the company (10% confidence w Average bet: -2.75): made by CEO of PE-backed company — this was one of the more out there predictions. but the payoff is very big so hard to bet big against it.
there will be a point in the year where the SP500 will be 15% lower than the previous high for the calendar year (70% confidence with average bet: +5.83): made by fmr President of defense prime
below 1.2M housing starts (from Dec 2025 estimate) (25% confidence with average bet: -1.67): made by President of PE firm
3 of the top 20 food companies will be acquired (40% confidence with average bet: +3.25): made by senior partner at global consulting firm
Dec 31, 2025 closing BTC price will be above $92.38k (the Dec 31, 2024 closing price) (60% confidence with average bet: +6.92): made by me
NONE of the year's Billboard 50 songs will be marketed as from "AI" (40% confidence with average bet: +1.42): made by tech founder (and also music exec).
Travis Kelce proposes to Taylor Swift (68% confidence with average bet: +7.17): made by a senior govt national security official. the only reason this bet was not higher is that many people (including me) think Taylor will propose to Kelce.
NBA Champ will be one of: OKC, Boston, or Cleveland (83% confidence with average bet: -2.17): made by well-known economist
Given the stated odds, which predictions would you bet in favor of or bet against?
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this is fun, :)
given your 2024 performance, I'm going to sell all my BTC tomorrow, lol
would also LOVE to know your predictions for 2025 (with odds)