Five Links for March 2025
Every month, the five most mind-expanding links to read/watch/listen. If you find these interesting, please share with your friends. If you hate it, share with your enemies.
Here are five links worth reading…
Some Good News About Married Fertility in the U.S. by Patrick T. Brown
The birth rate in America continues to decline, but there's a silver lining: more children are being born to married parents. Births to unmarried women are at their lowest since 1987.
On the Chess Circuit by Nicholas Pearson
Despite the fact that chess is “solved,” it’s still a deeply psychological battleground, where even world champions struggle with paralyzing doubt and mental collapse.
Tyler Cowen, the man who wants to know everything by John Phipps
Highly recommend this profile: Tyler is one of my favorite people (and not just because he’s an avid reader of Five Links).
Listen: Annie Duke - winning bets: decision science in investing (World of DaaS)
Former poker champion Annie Duke reveals the cognitive biases that affect investors and offers practical frameworks for making better decisions under uncertainty
Grand Theft Auto: Real Life by Jonathan Franklin
How cars stolen by American teenagers end up on cargo ships bound for Western Africa.
Patrick Mahomes and the secrets of the Dad Bod by Rustin Dodd
Lots of elite athletes, including the Kansas City Chief’s QB, don’t fit our mental image of what an elite athlete should look like. There’s a lot we can learn from them about health and performance.
Morris Chang and the Origins of TSMC by
Despite the founding of TSMC being one of the more important events in tech history, Morris Chang’s two volume biography is only available in Chinese. Brian translated it (with LLMs), and gives an overview of Chang’s own version of his life story.
Bonus (Geography): European & North American Cities Transposed Onto The Opposite Continent At The Same Latitude by Brilliant Maps
Super interesting to see that Denver is at the same latitude as Southern Italy
Bonus (Health): Wegovy hits the People’s Republic, at last by the Economist
In China, where roughly half the population is overweight, “Musk’s miracle medicine” is taking off. The US recently announced that the GLP-1 shortage is over, but Chinese demand could change that.
More reading links at
Recommended book of the month:
The Sovereign Child by Aaron Stupple
HT: Naval Ravikant
Recommended TV/movies:
The Diplomat - Season 1 and Season 2 (Netflix)
we had 100k elevator attendants in 1950.
what jobs today will go away with automation?
Auren Hoffman is CEO of NQB8, Chairman of SafeGraph (geospatial data on physical places), and GP at Flex Capital ($200M VC firm). Engage on X: @auren
and please share Five Links with your friends and allies.