I’m not sure EQ is undervalued.
EQ incredibly important and will continue to be very important in the future. However, until recently it was THE most important type of…
I’m not sure EQ is undervalued. Most of the highest paying jobs in the last 100 years relied heavily on EQ.
EQ incredibly important and will continue to be very important in the future. However, until recently it was THE most important type of intelligence. In most professions, people with high EQ would massively outperform people who had very high in other intelligences (like IQ, creativity, intra-intelligence (self awareness), spiritual intelligence, physical intelligence, and more).
EQ should be the dominant trait in a world that is defined by “it is not what you know, but who you know.” That was the world we lived in in the 20th Century — a world that was defined by middlemen and rent seekers. The who-you-knows would put together two what-you-knows and take a transaction fee for their service. They were the brokers, bankers, agents, and management consultants.
But in the last few years, who-you-knows have been replaced by technology faster than the what-you-knows. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google are far better connectors than anyone profiled in Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point.
In this new world, EQ will remain important but will not be dominant. IQ also may decline a bit (as computers are taking over that area too). So we should see a higher value placed on some of some of the other skills, traits, and intelligences (like creativity, self-awareness, spiritual intelligence, and more).